Post Installation
8) Post Installation
8.1) Boot into your newly installed VM instance of macOS, yet again.
8.2) Once you've gone through the first time user set up and set everything up the way that you prefer and have reached the desktop UI, make sure to obtain and run "EFI Agent" by HeadKaze from their appropriate GitHub repo, making sure to grant it the permissions that it asks for when it asks.
8.3) Mount both the macOS Installer USB EFI/ESP partition that contains the OpenCore EFI files that you've booted from, and mount the Internal EFI/ESP of the installed macOS drive as well.
8.4) Copy the "EFI" folder on the root of the macOS Installer USB to the root of the installed macOS drive.
8.5) Next, we're going to want to set up our hardware via inputting the correct information and values into the correct locations using both IORegistryExplorer to obtain the appropriate Address locations and naming, and MaciASL to edit the SSDT files and place in our hardware's corresponding information. Remember to test your changes non destructively so you don't bork your EFI, and have a working backup EFI to boot from!
8.6) Mount your installed macOS EFI/ESP partiton again using EFI Agent.
8.7) Obtain and open IORegistryExplorer if you haven't already. (Preferrably the newest one if one has an Apple Developer account and it's possible, although any version of at least 2.x should suffice.)
8.8) Obtain and open MaciASL if you haven't already.(Preferrably the version from Acidanthera's GitHub repo.)
8.9) Load each of the SSDT's in MaciASL, working on them one at a time, replacing the information per your own hardwares addresses and devices names, so as not to convolute the process.
8.10) In each loaded SSDT, look for the corresponding Address and Device Name, and copy both sets of information to the corresponding SSDT that you are working on. (See below in Section #9 for SSDT Setup Examples)
8.11) After all have been replaced, you should be good to go, so you'll restart your VM and UnRaid Server OS again, if need be. (For Example: if one is using a Navi based GPU, as there's a Reset Bug that exists. Plus it's just a good practice to do so, anyway).
8.12) Go back into your UnRaid Server VM's, and start the macOS VM.
8.13) Boot from your installed version of macOS without having to use the Installer USB, and profit!
Last updated